The one-and-only Pot Licker Open Pairs, June 7-8
[singlepic id=27 w=320 h=240 float=left]A "Pot Licker" is literally one who licks the bottom of the pot for leftovers to avoid starvation or poverty. In Milwaukee, a pot licker is a bowler hungry for a win, especially in this first tournament of the year after a long-and-harsh winter. Participants enter their own teams. The entry fee goes towards cash prizes (pot), and the winners' names are engraved on a trophy kept in the clubhouse.Tournament Information● Date: Sat, June 7 & Sun, June 8, 2014 / Entry fee: $60/team● Format: Open pairs; 3x16 ends● Draw Time Sat: 7:30 AM / Start Time: 8:00 AM● Attire: Whites or matching team uniforms● Entry Deadline: Sunday, June 1, 2014