Time is running out to get your entries in for one of the main competitive tournaments of the year.  Here is the entry form.  If you are certain you will make it, e-mail the tournament director at leifand121@hotmail.com and he will get you into the draw.We would like to take this opportunity to refute the scurrilous fake news being promulgated by the unreliable Milwaukee Lawn Bowls club website.  This vicious attack on Potlicker is unwarranted.  Potlicker is one of the Icelandic 12 yule lads.  His only offense is to knock on your door and, while everyone goes to answer it, he runs to the kitchen and licks out all the pots.  He actually performs a great public service by eliminating labor for  overworked dishwashers.  After all,  not all of us have a trusty canine companion to do this for us.  You can expect to hear him knock on your door next December 16.   Yes, that's Potlicker Day.


Groundhog Day is Narrowly Avoided at the Potlicker


2016 US National Championships