Behncke & Schneider Win 17th Annual Potlicker Cup
Despite the stylish hat, Bob Schneider couldn't deliver on the In N Out burgers. However he and his 2015 US National Championships partner, Rob Behncke, delivered an unprecidented 4th consecutive win in the 2016 Potlicker Cup. The tournament director suggested that instead of engraving their names on the trophy, he could save money by using ditto marks instead. Jim Grzybowski and Leif Andresen finished second in a close and hard fought battle.
This is a picture of the last end with 14 of 16 bowls delivered. It was taken from the side. The red bowl to the right is directly in front of the jack. In the time honored tradition of lawn bowls, both skips suffered severe verbal abuse after missing the head with their final shots. Over the years, the winners of this tournament have included eight former National Champions. Everyone is welcome to enter, so keep it in mind for next year.PS: The heads didn't always look like this. PPS: Usually not a whole lot like this.